Zoe and Max

Here are two pictures of Zoe and Max in the office.  This chair sits right beside my desk and it is their favorite spot but usually Max just pluncks himself right on top of Zoe.  She just continues to sleep.  They are very special puppies.  Just wanted to let you know how wonderful Max is. Vic and I drove from NH to pick up Max and have not regretted a minute since.  He is the puppy with a bit of an overbite.  Cheryl, he is the most wonderful, loving puppy.  We went away for a few days and left our three Cockers with our vet for boarding.  The staff fell in love with all of them, but Max was the favorite for his wonderful personality.  We had him neutered and Darby had her teeth cleaned.  Zoe had nothing done but she won everyone over with her wonderful looks. She is one of your Zoey’s puppies.  Just wanted to let you know how special Max is for us.  His personality could win anyone over and loves everyone.  He is smart as a whip, totally trained and just a total love.

We are fortunate to have not one, but two of your very special puppies.

Dawson Family Cockers 

Cheryl Dawson | (814) 234 -1355 | PCatHSCC@aol.com | State College, PA