Hi Cheryl,
I hope this email finds you and your family well! I just wanted to send you a quick update on our little guy, Toby. Over the last year we’ve taken him on numerous car rides where he sits patiently on my lap and loves to observe the views, he has attended two training classes and graduated at the top of his class, he has gotten groomed numerous times and has now conquered his fear of blow dryers(vacuum cleaners are another story)! Literally everywhere we go, people compliment us on how friendly he is and how well behaved he is. We really attribute this to how you raise your dogs and how good natured his parents must be! He has his moments (at times we think he is going through the “terrible twos”) but his intelligence and affection make up for those rare occasions. Not only does he ring a bell to go potty but he also follows a number of commands including sit, stay, down, and “go to your place”. The latter has come in handy whenever we have people knocking on our door. He also understands, “go night night”. In the evening we let him cuddle with us a little bit before we put him in his crate. This is how clever he is: when he senses we are about to get up to put him in his crate, he will lie down and pretend to be asleep so that we won’t wake him and put him in his crate! It is hilarious. I’m attaching a picture of him after he got groomed last month.
I was so tempted by the last litter that you had, they are all so adorable! I think we will wait another year or so before we make him a big brother to another pup but I think he will be able to handle it well because he’s really great at sharing. He gets along with other dogs at the dog park wonderfully and every person/dog he encounters, he considers his friend.
I will be sure to keep in touch. I can’t thank you enough for letting him be apart of our lives!
Hope all is well with you.
Take care,
Tippy and Henry
The past week has been extremely busy with Toby but we are loving every minute of
it! He was a little scared the first two days with us but has adjusted really well with
very little whimpering or crying. (Don’t get me wrong, he definitely cried the first night
but has stopped since then) He is getting used to the crate training routine and has
had very few accidents. He is great at communicating when he needs to go and
we’ve really gotten to know him that way. I’ve also started transitioning him to
California Natural food and he is all over it and is eating well. We took him to the vet
today and the staff was just smitten with him. Everyone he meets offers to take him
home 🙂 We want to thank you for bringing Toby into our lives. As newlyweds, this
was the perfect way to start our family. Here is a picture of him–look at how big he
has gotten already! We will keep the pictures coming. He usually moves too quickly
for me to capture any still shots!
Hope you and your family are well!
Tippy and Henry
He is actually getting groomed for the first time this Friday. I will be sure
to tell the groomer to keep it short under and around his ears and his
eyes. We are working on him letting us touch his nails, ears, and under
eyes. He is such a sweet little guy, he sits there patiently whenever I wipe
under his eyes with a cotton ball, and he lets us touch his ears if he is in
a mellow mood. The nails are another story so we are still working on that
I forgot to mention, he was potty trained very quickly! We have a bell that
we hung to the door handle and he knows to touch it with his paw
anytime he needs to go out. It is amazing what fast learners they are! I
really could go on all day about him. We take him to a puppy training
class once a week and he is always the best in his class. He makes us
such proud puppy parents.
Have a good day!