Dawson and Brody

What a wonderful week we have had with our babies!!!! With two puppies we have received double love and fun in getting them adjusted to their new home.  Dawson and Brody are continuing  to do well with their training. We can tell you one thing and that is they love to eat. They eat so fast, we can’t even make a picture of them eating.  As of now they are good travelers as they find them a spot on our lap and go to sleep.We have two beautiful puppies and we thank you for letting us adopt them. We will continue to update you with pictures.

Bill , Kathy, Dawson and Brody  XOXOXO

Hi Cheryl,

I took the puppies to the beach this week.  It is only a few minutes walk, but we took the car.  I thought they would be a little frightened at the ocean, but their main interest seemed to be in playing in the sand. They are using the bell to go outside and doing very well.  I was teaching Brodie how to use the bell,but Dawson caught on much faster.  They are really good little puppies and we are enjoying them very much.I took them to the vet and they passed with flying colors. Everyone just fell in love with them, But who wouldn’t!!!!!!! Just keeping in touch. Hope everyone is well !
Love, Bill, Kathy, Brodie and Dawson

Dawson Family Cockers 

Cheryl Dawson | (814) 234 -1355 | PCatHSCC@aol.com | State College, PA