Our Families

Sweet Abby comfortable as can be with her new family! She is so sweet! She has definitely warmed her way into their hearts!

Abe went to Alexandria Pennsylvania to be a companion and best friend for his new owner. He was so delighted to finally come and pick up Abe and take him home.

Hi Cheryl, Well it’s December 14, Addie has mastered going up and down steps, playing fetch with a small football and a round ball and is just having a ball. She has brought us many

Good morning Mrs. Dawson, Here are 2 of my favorite pictures of my little Anjil, the first one is during Thanksgiving my wife took this picture while I was away hunting for the week. The

Dear Cheryl,Aspen has grown so much in the past week and is learning so fast. She is so entertaining and a real joy to spend time with. She gets excited as soon as any of

Merry Christmas from the Ditchey family in Mount Carmel, Pa.——–Cheryl, please tell my Mommy I am doing great and I love her.XXOOXOXO—– Bailey

Hello Cheryl! :o) Once again, time has flown and our little Bandit has aged another year. Today he turned 3! We can’t believe it! It seems like just yesterday we picked him up at your

Baxter and Barney
Dear Cheryl and all of the Dawson Family, We adopted two of your babies in December of 2011. Baxter and Barney are both black with just a touch of white on their chests. We have

Baxter and Burney
Dear Cheryl and Charlie, Hope your all doing well. Not sure if you remember us. It’s been awhile since we touched base with you. I guess over the years we just lost touch. We adopted